Meet The Dream Team


Mohamed Dahir

Mohamed grew up in Mogadishu, Somalia. When Somalia collapsed, his family sought asylum in neighboring country Kenya. He lived in a refugee camp for almost ten years before being brought to Canada by a church working alongside Canadian immigration. They settled in Brampton and enjoyed Canada, but just a year later, Mohamed began to show signs of depression. This was in part due to his mother’s death. He eventually parted with his sisters and the denial of his mental health condition continued to take a toll on him as he visited the ER on several occasions. Upon coming to terms with his mental health issues, a counsellor directed him to a hospital out-reach program. After being connected with the right services, Mohamed reintegrated himself into the community. Today he is independent and living in a privately owned apartment building. He received his college diploma from the Community Worker program at George Brown College and continues to give back in organizations like the Dream Team.