What is a HUT?
The Dream Team HUTs Definition
“Housing Unit Takeovers (HUTs) are situations in which vulnerable tenants are forced to accommodate unwanted guests in their homes. During HUTs, vulnerable tenants allow people into their homes to fulfill unmet social, economic, and personal needs. In the process, the tenant is threatened physically, financially, and/or psychologically."
- The Dream Team "Safe At Home" Research Project
How prevalent are HUTs?
Watch the video to the right to learn how prevalent HUTs are in Toronto, and how we should frame and address HUTs in society.
Who is involved in HUTs?
Generally, predators fall into two categories:
Vulnerable perpetrators share the same vulnerabilities as victims, such as mental health problems or precarious housing.
Business predators take over units purely for profit. This can include gang takeovers.
Victims of a HUT are vulnerable tenants who have their units taken over.
Watch the video to identify what makes a tenant vulnerable.
Other people affected by HUTs could be family members, neighbours, or friends.
Other people involved could be housing workers, police officers, landlords, and other service providers.
Trigger warning: visuals of drug use
Trigger warning: visuals of drug use